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Amateur Radio High Altitude Ballooning

“The poor man’s space program”

ARHAB logo

ARHAB is the study and use of high altitude balloons to explore near space. Near space is the region of atmosphere between 60,000 feet and the accepted boundary of space at 328,000 feet altitude. These altitudes make near space far more like Earth orbit than the surface of the Earth. Air pressure in near space reaches 99% of a vacuum of better and temperatures drop to a low of -60F or colder. Cosmic radiation is over 100 times greater than at sea level. Hobbiests and citizen scientists alike use balloons to send payloads to near space, recording images and scientific data as they go.

For more information on ARHAB, this Wikipedia entry is a great introduction. Or read the UKHAS Beginners Guide to High Altitude Ballooning to start planning your own flight. The Wiki hosts a page dedicated to ARHAB with some additional information.

ARHAB Community

The ARHAB community is active across the world:

In the US, the annual Great Plains Super Launch is the largest gathering of ARHAB enthusiasts.

Tracking and Prediction Sites

Below are some recommended tracking sites:

Old Site Archive

View flight archive

Lots of useful info for ARHAB launches is contained on the archived ARHAB site.

Old ARHAB site

The old site was made in messy PHP with old web design practices. There was no input sanitization for SQL injection or XSS, but it was not attacked. Unfortunately, in 2024, an automated spam bot found the flight submission form and started spamming it thinking it was a contact form. As a result, the database has been made read-only to prevent further vandalism.


The site is currently maintained by Astra West W5MAW. My contact info is at Previously the site was maintained by Keith Kaiser WA0TJT.